The Lord Howe Island Museum

The extinct giant horned turtle (Meiolania platyceps) is the logo of the Lord Howe Island Museum

In 2002 Ian Hutton became the part-time Curator of the Lord Howe Island Museum. He enjoys working on displays, delivering lectures and contributing to this cultural centre of the Island for residents and visitors.

The Lord Howe Island museum is a treasure chest of natural history, fantastic collections, excellent learning resources, changing displays, inspiring information, great gifts and lots of interactive ways to enjoy learning more about this truly unique place on our planet.
The Museum shop sells a range of quality books, maps and postcards of Lord Howe Island’s history, flora and fauna. Most of the books have been written and produced by local authors.

To encourage local residents in art and craft, the museum shop sells mainly locally produced items such as photo prints, art prints, locally designed T shirts, local screen printed tea towels, wood turning and weaving.


Click below to view and download recent Newsletters from the Lord Howe Island Museum.

Summer 2013
(561kb PDF)
Spring 2013
(692kb PDF)

Latest Museum News