Weeding ecotour – May 2014

This was the 75th weeding ecotour to be run on the Island, since starting in 1995. Most of this group had been on many trips in previous years so it was an experienced group and we were able to achieve a lot of valuable progress against the weeds. The focus for our conservation work each morning was follow-up work on the Transit Hill Climbing asparagus site, above Edie’s Glenn. The area has had several follow-ups, but it is essential to keep checking, removing the very last seedlings to emerge. The group also spent one morning removing a very vigorous Yellow trumpet vine from the lease of Ed and Danni Rourke. Another morning was spent working on the Old Settlement Calystegia affinis restoration site.

Afternoons were spent on some very enjoyable walks — the New Gulch to North Head circuit was done, the Goathouse walk, Malabar Hill and two low tide reef walks. The weather was exceptional all week, and we even got to take the Ball’s Pyramid seabird cruise.

Throughout this week a French film crew were visiting the island, and spent a few mornings filming the groups activities — from weeding to bbq lunch, exploring the Old Gulch and a roast lamb dinner at my house. So the Friends of Lord Howe Island weeding group will feature on French television at the end of 2014.

Fine dining was experienced all week at the island restaurants and The Anchorage was voted the most popular by this group. All in all, a very successful week was enjoyed by all.